Reference manual

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1.6 by Michael Thrun, 8 months ago

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Authors: Michael Thrun [aut, cre] , Onno Hansen-Goos [aut, rev] , Rabea Griese [ctr, ctb] , Catharina Lippmann [ctr] , Florian Lerch [ctb, rev] , Quirin Stier [ctb, rev] , Jorn Lotsch [dtc, rev, fnd, ctb] , Luca Brinkmann [ctb, rev] , Alfred Ultsch [aut, cph, ths]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports Rcpp, shiny, pracma, methods, DataVisualizations, plotly

Suggests mclust, grid, foreach, dqrng, parallelDist, knitr, rmarkdown, reshape2, ggplot2

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by DistributionOptimization, Umatrix, opGMMassessment, scapGNN.

See at CRAN