Reference manual

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1.7.0 by Jennifer Bryan, 4 months ago,

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Authors: Jim Hester [aut] , Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports methods

Suggests crayon, DBI, dplyr, knitr, magrittr, rlang, rmarkdown, RSQLite, testthat, vctrs, waldo, withr

Imported by ARUtools, AcceptReject, CB2, CDMConnector, CodelistGenerator, CopernicusDEM, DImodelsVis, DSSAT, DataFakeR, DesignLibrary, DiagrammeR, DirectEffects, DisImpact, DrugExposureDiagnostics, DrugUtilisation, EBMAforecast, EDCimport, EpiForsk, FMAT, GDPuc, GIFTr, GeneSelectR, Gmisc, GomoGomonoMi, Greg, IGoRRR, IceSat2R, IncidencePrevalence, Isinglandr, JSmediation, LRMF3, LSTbook, MadanTextNetwork, MainExistingDatasets, MixviR, ODRF, OVtool, PEIMAN2, PUMP, PaRe, PlanetNICFI, PooledCohort, PublicationBias, R6causal, RAQSAPI, RCT, RCTrep, RInno, RTL, Rapi, ReviewR, Rigma, Rnightly, SCDB, SIAmodules, SpatialKDE, StepBeta, StrucDiv, TITAN2, TestGenerator, TriDimRegression, VMDecomp, VicmapR, WeibullFit, XKCDdata, activatr, actxps, adobeanalyticsr, agua, agvgd, airnow, ale, algo, allofus, almanac, alphavantager, ami, and, animate, anomalize, anybadger, anyflights, apisensr, applicable, apyramid, aquodom, archive, areal, arrow, askgpt, assertions, atrrr, attachment, attrib, autoFC, available, babelwhale, bambooHR, baseballr, basedosdados, batata, bayesplot, bcdata, bench, bennu, bigergm, bioRad, biolink, bistablehistory, bonsai, boxr, bpmnR, brclimr, bridger, brinton, brms, broom, brulee, bsplus, bubblyr, buildr, bulkAnalyseR, bumbl, bundle, bupaR, bupaverse, bysykkel, cabinets, campfin, cards, cardx, cbioportalR, cder, censored, ceramic, chattr, checkdown, checkhelper, checkthat, chevron, chronicle, cimir, cjar, cleanTS, cliapp, climenv, clinDR, cloudfs, codebook, cohortBuilder, condensr, configr, conflr, congress, connectapi, connectwidgets, cookies, corrr, corx, covid19france, covid19india, covid19tunisia, covid19us, cronologia, cropcircles, crosstable, crossurr, cubble, cubelyr, cucumber, cureplots, cvasi, daiR, daqapo, dataclass, datacleanr, datadogr, dbflobr, dbplyr, dcm2, dcurves, desirability2, dfoliatR, dials, didimputation, discAUC, diseasystore, disk.frame, distops, distributions3, dittodb, dm, dockerfiler, donutsk, dplyr, dr4pl, drawer, dtplyr, dtrackr, dualScale, duckdbfs, duckplyr, dunlin, dwctaxon, dyn.log, dynamite, dynwrap, easyr, ech, edeaR, educationdata, edwards97, einsum, emayili, embed, emoji, epiCleanr, epidatr, epigraphdb, epikit, epoxy, ergm.multi, erify, esci, euroleaguer, exams.mylearn, exams2sakai, exuber, f1dataR, fabricerin, fakir, fastRG, fastRhockey, fastText, fastadi, fastai, fcaR, ffscrapr, fgeo, fgeo.analyze, fgeo.plot, fgeo.tool, fiery, filecacher, finnts, fitbitViz, fitlandr, fitzRoy, fixtuRes, flipbookr, flipdownr, flps, forcats, forestecology, forestly, forrel, forstringr, ftsa, fude, funneljoin, funspotr, fusen, galah, gargle, geoAr, geouy, gfonts, ggHoriPlot, gganimate, ggarchery, ggbrain, ggbrick, ggdist, ggmap, ggpattern, ggplot2, ggpol, ggpp, ggprism, ggpubr, ggquickeda, ggseqplot, ggshadow, ggside, ggspatial, ggstatsplot, ggsurvfit, ggtibble, gh, ghclass, gitignore, gluedown, gm, gmailr, googleCloudVisionR, googledrive, googlesheets4, gptstudio, greta, greta.dynamics,, gridpattern, grobblR, gscramble, gt, gtExtras, gtable, gtreg, gtsummary, gutenbergr, gwasforest, gwasrapidd, gwpcormapper, hahmmr, hardhat, headliner, healthdb, heemod, hfhub, highlighter, hlidacr, hoopR, html2R, httr2, humanize, huxtable, hypothesis, iNZightTS, iNZightTools, ibdsim2, icecream, icesVMS, immunarch, imola, impactflu, impactr, incubate, infer, insane, invertiforms, iotables, itscalledsoccer, ivDiag, ivs, jaggR, jdenticon, juicedown, k5, keras, keras3, knitxl, kokudosuuchi, labNorm, latte, lehdr, lettervalue, lidR, lifecycle, link, lintr, longsurr, luz, lvmisc, mailmerge, mailtoR, mapscanner, md4r, measr, meshed, messaging, metabolic, metalite,, meteospain, minioclient, mlflow, modelenv, modelsummary, modeltime, modeltime.resample, moderndive, moexer, monashtipr, monitOS, moodef, moodleR, mosaicCalc,, mrgsolve, mskcc.oncotree, mtscr, multinma, multitool, mxnorm, namer, nandb, naniar, naryn, neo4r, neonstore, nfl4th, nflfastR, nflreadr, npi, numbat, numform, nuts, oceanexplorer, octopus, octopusR, oddsapiR, odin, offsetreg, ollamar, omopgenerics, onelogin, openai, openbankeR, opinAr, optimall, ottrpal, oysteR, pald, papaja, params, parquetize, parsnip, pedbuildr, personalr, photosynthesis, piecemaker, piggyback, pillar, pins, piwikproR, pkgload, pkgnet, plnr, plume, pmparser, pmxcode, pocketapi, pointblank, poissonreg, potools, powerjoin, pracpac, processcheckR, processmapR, processpredictR, proverbs, psborrow2, psmineR, psycModel, ptvapi, pushoverr, pvLRT, pvda, pysparklyr, qgisprocess, qsub, qualmap, qualtRics, quincunx, r2dii.analysis, r2dii.match, r2dii.plot, r2pptx, r6methods,, radous, rando, rangeMapper, rar, rcoder, rddi, react, readabs, readwritesqlite, recalibratiNN, recipes, regions, regport, reporter, reprex, reservr, retroharmonize, rextendr, rfishbase, rfold, rgeoboundaries, rhino, rhub, ribd, riingo, rintimg, rjtools, robis, robotoolbox, rock, rocnp, romic, ropenblas, rosm, roxytypes, rpymat, rsample, rscopus, rsi, rsurveycto, rticulate, rtodoist, rtypeform, rvec, rvest, rwarrior, s3, safejoin, santoku, sapfluxnetr, saros, savonliquide, scCustomize, scales, scenes, schtools, scrollrevealR, scrutiny, sdtmval, seeker, segmentr, semantic.dashboard, seminr,, sevenbridges2, sewage, shiny, shiny.benchmark, shiny.i18n,, shiny.react, shiny.router, shiny.semantic, shiny.telemetry, shinyCohortBuilder, shinyGizmo, shinyauthr, shinycssloaders, shinycustomloader, shinydbauth, shinydisconnect, shinymodels, shinyobjects, shinypanels, shinyquiz, shinyvalidate, sift, simstudy, sitar, sketch, smdi, snvecR, sparklyr, spatialsample, specr, speechbr, sportyR, sprtt, spsComps, spsUtil, sqlhelper, sqltargets, stacks, staplr, starter, statsExpressions, statsearchanalyticsr, stochLAB, stringr, sudachir, survivoR, susographql, table.glue, tablecompare, taylor, tdcmStan, teal.logger, tealeaves, terrainr, testdat, textclean, textrecipes, tfrmt, themis, tibbletime, tidyCDISC, tidyRSS, tidyclust, tidycode, tidycomm, tidyestimate, tidygam, tidyindex, tidylog, tidyr, tidyrgee, tidyselect, tidytable, tidytlg, tidywikidatar, tinkr, tinytiger, tipr, togglr, toposort, torch, torchaudio, torchvisionlib, trainR, traitstrap, translated, trip, tsibbletalk, tune, unifir, unmconf, upstartr, usethis, ustfd, valentine, validmind, varsExplore, vcdExtra, vctrs, vdiffr, vegawidget, vembedr, versioning, versus, vetiver, visOmopResults, visdat, vitae, vivaldi, volker, votesmart, vov, vroom, vsp, waldo, walmartAPI, waywiser, wehoop, whippr, wikkitidy, wodds, workflowr, workflows, workflowsets, worldfootballR, worrrd, wrappedtools, xaringanthemer, xgxr, xportr, yfR, ymlthis, zendown, zoomr.

Depended on by R2BEAT, SamplingStrata, defineR, ggordiplots, iCARH.

Suggested by ChineseNames, CohortCharacteristics, DBI, DGEobj, DGEobj.utils, FaaSr, FielDHub, HospitalNetwork, MicSim, PatientProfiles, PsychWordVec, RBaseX, RBesT, SIAtools, SSVS, SingleCaseES, admixr, annotator, bcmaps, bigsnpr, blastula, broom.helpers, bruceR, bscui, bsitar, canvasXpress, checker, cli, common, covidmx, covidnor, cpp11, cricketdata, csalert, csdata, cstidy, cstime, csutil, dashboardthemes, detrendr, dipsaus, editbl, faux, findSVI, ggstats, ggtext, ggthemes, healthyR.ts, heplots, htmlTable, industRial, interactions, interpretCI, lactater, levitate, lgr, limorhyde2, logger, mosaic, mrf2d, multibiasmeta, nestedmodels, org, pak, pkgdepends, plu, precommit, prqlr, reproducible, reticulate, rlang, scdhlm, shiny.fluent, shinyTempSignal, shinyloadtest, splutil, ssdtools, syn, tidymodels, tidyverse, tvthemes, unglue, unusualprofile, vizdraws, wallace, webfakes, wpa.

See at CRAN