Reference manual

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0.33.0 by Stefan Widgren, 8 months ago (website),

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Authors: See AUTHORS file.

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports graphics, utils

Suggests getPass

System requirements: By default, git2r uses a system installation of the libgit2 headers and library. However, if a system installation is not available, builds and uses a bundled version of the libgit2 source. zlib headers and library. OpenSSL headers and library (non-macOS). LibSSH2 (optional on non-Windows) to enable the SSH transport.

Imported by DramaAnalysis, PaRe, RepoGenerator, Rpolyhedra, archivist.github, atime, autonewsmd, cabinets, changer, cheatsheet, fgitR, git2rdata, git4r, gitdown, kirby21.base, link2GI, mlflow, rDataPipeline, ropenblas,, sketchy, workflowr.

Depended on by minimapR.

Suggested by Rcereal, adaptalint, cometr, drat, envDocument, gistr, groundhog, icesTAF, ixplorer, lvmisc, nat.templatebrains, precommit, remotes, sinew.

See at CRAN