Reference manual

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1.0.2 by Alexander Tedeschi, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Anders Henja [aut] (vol2birdR package author and author of RAVE and HLHDF libraries) , Adriaan M. Dokter [ctb] , Alexander Tedeschi [aut, cre] (contributor to vol2bird library) , Tsung-Yu Lin [ctb] (contributor MistNet segmentation model) , Subranshu Maji [ctb] (contributor MistNet segmentation model) , Daniel Sheldon [ctb] (contributor MistNet segmentation model) , Bart Kranstauber [ctb] , Jurriaan H. Spaaks [ctb] (contributor to vol2bird library) , Lourens Veen [ctb] (contributor to vol2bird library) , Iwan Holleman [ctb] (contributor to vol2bird library) , Hidde Leijnse [ctb] (contributor to vol2bird library) , John H. Merritt [ctb, cph] (author of RSL library) , Bart Kelley [ctb] (contributor and maintainer of RSL library) , Mark Couture [ctb] (author of iris2odim add-on to RAVE library) , Daniel Falbel [ctb] (contributor of original idea for building with torch support) , Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute , SMHI [cph] (copyright holder of HLHDF and RAVE libraries) , GloBAM [fnd] (

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL (>= 3) license

Imports assertthat, methods, pkgbuild, Rcpp, rlang, utils, withr

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat

Linking to Rcpp, RcppGSL

System requirements: GNU make, GSL, HDF5, PROJ

Suggested by bioRad.

See at CRAN