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1.5.1 by Jeroen Ooms, 5 days ago
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Authors: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] , John McNamara [cph] (Author of libxlsxwriter (see AUTHORS and COPYRIGHT files for details))
Documentation: PDF Manual
BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license
Suggests spelling, readxl, nycflights13, testthat, bit64
System requirements: zlib
Imported by AFR, AeRobiology, CoastlineFD, DCEtool, DDIwR, DescToolsAddIns, GetDFPData2, ISRaD, ImportExport, MCPtests, MDMAPR, MassWateR, PSS.Health, RHRV, ThomasJeffersonUniv, accucor, basedosdados, capl, cinaR, compareGroups, concatipede, dQTG.seq, datamods, deaR, dextergui, downloadthis, explainer, fabR, formods, glottospace, goat, gwasrapidd, healthyR, irtGUI, irtawsi, isobxr, istat, loadeR, margaret, metaumbrella, micromapST, midrangeMCP, misty, mschart, periscope, periscope2, quincunx,, rio, rnmamod, samadb, tRigon, ugatsdb, xlcharts.
Suggested by Rapi, cloudfs, coder, designr, fio, ibawds, inldata, lehuynh, meta, mtscr, netmeta, preregr, psyverse, pvda, r4ds.tutorials, rock, saros, saros.base, suddengains.
See at CRAN