Packages by Gianmarco Alberti

CAinterprTools — 1.1.0

Graphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation and Significance Testings

boxplotcluster — 0.3

Clustering Method Based on Boxplot Statistics

brsim — 0.3

Brainerd-Robinson Similarity Coefficient Matrix

caplot — 0.2

Correspondence Analysis with Geometric Frequency Interpretation

caresid — 0.1

Correspondence Analysis Plot and Associations Visualisation

chisquare — 0.9

Chi-Square and G-Square Test of Independence, Power and Residual Analysis, Measures of Categorical Association

landform — 0.2

Topographic Position Index-Based Landform Classification

movecost — 2.1

Calculation of Slope-Dependant Accumulated Cost Surface, Least-Cost Paths, Least-Cost Corridors, Least-Cost Networks Related to Human Movement Across the Landscape

stratastats — 0.2

Stratified Analysis of 2x2 Contingency Tables