Packages by Michael Hahsler

TSP — 1.2-4

Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)

arules — 1.7-7

Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets

arulesCBA — 1.2.7

Classification Based on Association Rules

arulesNBMiner — 0.1-8

Mining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise Rules

arulesViz — 1.5.3

Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets

dbscan — 1.2-0

Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms

pomdp — 1.2.3

Infrastructure for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP)

pomdpSolve — 1.0.4

Interface to 'pomdp-solve' for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

qap — 0.1-2

Heuristics for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)

rEMM — 1.2.1

Extensible Markov Model for Modelling Temporal Relationships Between Clusters

recommenderlab — 1.0.6

Lab for Developing and Testing Recommender Algorithms

seriation — 1.5.5

Infrastructure for Ordering Objects Using Seriation

stream — 2.0-2

Infrastructure for Data Stream Mining

streamMOA — 1.3-1

Interface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms