Packages by KS Srikanth

disto — 0.2.0

Unified Interface to Distance, Dissimilarity, Similarity Matrices

ggisotonic — 0.1.2

'ggplot2' Friendly Isotonic or Monotonic Regression Curves

pkggraph — 0.2.3

A Consistent and Intuitive Platform to Explore the Dependencies of Packages on the Comprehensive R Archive Network Like Repositories

safer — 0.2.1

Encrypt and Decrypt Strings, R Objects and Files

slimrec — 0.1.0

Sparse Linear Method to Predict Ratings and Top-N Recommendations

solitude — 1.1.3

An Implementation of Isolation Forest

tidier — 0.2.0

Enhanced 'mutate'

tidyrules — 0.1.5

Obtain Rules from Rule Based Models as Tidy Dataframe