Packages by Yihui Xie

MSG — 0.8

Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics

Rd2roxygen — 1.16

Convert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation

animation — 2.7

A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations

blogdown — 1.19

Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown

bookdown — 0.40

Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

formatR — 1.14

Format R Code Automatically

fun — 0.3

Use R for Fun

highr — 0.11

Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code

knitr — 1.48

A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R

markdown — 1.13

Render Markdown with 'commonmark'

mime — 0.12

Map Filenames to MIME Types

pagedown — 0.20

Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print

printr — 0.3

Automatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats According to the 'knitr' Output Format

rmarkdown — 2.27

Dynamic Documents for R

rolldown — 0.1

R Markdown Output Formats for Storytelling

servr — 0.30

A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents

testit — 0.13

A Simple Package for Testing R Packages

tinytex — 0.52

Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents

xaringan — 0.30

Presentation Ninja

xfun — 0.46

Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'