Reference manual

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1.2.1 by Mike Stackhouse, 5 months ago

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Authors: Eli Miller [aut] , Mike Stackhouse [aut, cre] , Ashley Tarasiewicz [aut] , Nathan Kosiba [ctb] , Sadchla Mascary [ctb] , Andrew Bates [ctb] , Shiyu Chen [ctb] , Oleksii Mikryukov [ctb] , Atorus Research LLC [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports rlang, assertthat, magrittr, dplyr, purrr, stringr, tidyr, tidyselect, tibble, lifecycle, forcats

Suggests testthat, haven, knitr, rmarkdown, huxtable, tidyverse, readr, kableExtra, pharmaRTF, withr

Imported by safetyCharts.

Suggested by logrx.

See at CRAN