Reference manual

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0.9.5 by Jakub Nowosad, 10 months ago

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Authors: Jakub Nowosad [aut, cre] , Maximillian H.K. Hesselbarth [ctb] (Co-author of underlying C++ code for get_class_index_map() , get_unique_values() , and rcpp_get_coma() functions) , Marco Sciaini [ctb] (Co-author of underlying C++ code for get_class_index_map() , get_unique_values() , and rcpp_get_coma() functions) , Sebastian Hanss [ctb] (Co-author of underlying C++ code for get_class_index_map() , get_unique_values() , and rcpp_get_coma() functions)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports Rcpp

Suggests tinytest, covr, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

Imported by bespatial, motif, raceland, spatialising.

See at CRAN