Reference manual

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0.1.16-105 by Michael D. Hunter, 8 months ago,

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Authors: Lu Ou [aut] , Michael D. Hunter [aut, cre] , Sy-Miin Chow [aut] , Linying Ji [aut] , Meng Chen [aut] , Hui-Ju Hung [aut] , Jungmin Lee [aut] , Yanling Li [aut] , Jonathan Park [aut] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology [cph] , S. G. Johnson [cph] , Benoit Scherrer [cph] , Dieter Kraft [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports MASS, Matrix, numDeriv, xtable, latex2exp, grid, reshape2, plyr, mice, magrittr, methods, fda, car, stringi, tibble, deSolve, Rdpack

Depends on ggplot2

Suggests testthat, roxygen2, knitr, rmarkdown, RcppGSL

System requirements: GNU make

See at CRAN