Reference manual

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0.2.4 by Eli Miller, 7 months ago,

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Authors: R Validation Hub [aut] , Doug Kelkhoff [aut] , Marly Gotti [aut] , Eli Miller [cre, aut] , Kevin K [aut] , Yilong Zhang [aut] , Eric Milliman [aut] , Juliane Manitz [aut] , Mark Padgham [ctb] , PSI special interest group Application and Implementation of Methodologies in Statistics [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports backports, utils, tools, xml2, httr, curl, urltools, memoise, BiocManager, cranlogs, covr, vctrs, pillar, tibble, pkgload, devtools

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, withr, magrittr, dplyr, testthat, webmockr, jsonlite

See at CRAN