Packages by Andrie de Vries

config — 0.3.2

Manage Environment Specific Configuration Values

ggdendro — 0.2.0

Create Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'

mailmerge — 0.2.5

Mail Merge Using R Markdown Documents and 'gmailr'

miniCRAN — 0.3.0

Create a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages

nomnoml — 0.3.0

Sassy 'UML' Diagrams

rfordummies — 0.1.6

Code Examples to Accompany the Book "R for Dummies"

sortable — 0.5.0

Drag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS'

sss — 0.2.2

Import Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) Format

surveydata — 0.2.7

Tools to Work with Survey Data