Packages by Emil Hvitfeldt

emoji — 15.0

Data and Function to Work with Emojis

fastTextR — 2.1.0

An Interface to the 'fastText' Library

friends — 0.1.0

The Entire Transcript from Friends in Tidy Format

ggpage — 0.2.3

Creates Page Layout Visualizations

hcandersenr — 0.2.0

H.C. Andersens Fairy Tales

lime — 0.5.3

Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

methcon5 — 0.1.0

Identify and Rank CpG DNA Methylation Conservation Along the Human Genome

paletteer — 1.6.0

Comprehensive Collection of Color Palettes

prismatic — 1.1.2

Color Manipulation Tools

textdata — 0.4.4

Download and Load Various Text Datasets

walmartAPI — 0.1.5

Walmart Open API Wrapper

wordsalad — 0.2.0

Provide Tools to Extract and Analyze Word Vectors