Packages by Jennifer Bryan

gapminder — 1.0.0

Data from Gapminder

gargle — 1.5.2

Utilities for Working with Google APIs

glue — 1.7.0

Interpreted String Literals

gmailr — 2.0.0

Access the 'Gmail' 'RESTful' API

googledrive — 2.1.1

An Interface to Google Drive

googlesheets4 — 1.1.1

Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4

readr — 2.1.5

Read Rectangular Text Data

readxl — 1.4.3

Read Excel Files

reprex — 2.1.1

Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard

usethis — 2.2.3

Automate Package and Project Setup

vroom — 1.6.5

Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly