Reference manual

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0.2.6 by Liming Li, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Liming Li [aut, cre] , Benoit Falquet [aut] , Xiaoli Duan [aut] , Adrian Waddell [ctb] , Chenkai Lv [ctb] , Pawel Rucki [ctb] , Tim Barnett [ctb] , Tian Fang [ctb] , F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 license

Imports checkmate, dplyr, dunlin, forcats, formatters, ggplot2, glue, grid, lifecycle, magrittr, methods, nestcolor, purrr, rlang, rlistings, rtables, stringr, tern, tibble, utils

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, tidyr, vdiffr, withr

See at CRAN