Reference manual

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0.6.2 by Albert Y. Kim, 3 years ago

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Authors: Albert Y. Kim [aut, cre] , Chester Ismay [aut] , Jennifer Chunn [aut] , Meredith Manley [ctb] , Maggie Shea [ctb] , Starry Yujia Zhou [ctb] , Andrew Flowers [ctb] , Jonathan Bouchet [ctb] , G. Elliott Morris [ctb] , Adam Spannbauer [ctb] , Pradeep Adhokshaja [ctb] , Olivia Barrows [ctb] , Jojo Miller [ctb] , Jayla Nakayama [ctb] , Ben Baumer [ctb] , Rana Gahwagy [ctb] , Natalia Iannucci [ctb] , Marium Tapal [ctb] , Irene Ryan [ctb] , Alina Barylsky [ctb] , Danica Miguel [ctb] , Sunni Raleigh [ctb] , Anna Ballou [ctb] , Jane Bang [ctb] , Jordan Moody [ctb] , Kara Van Allen [ctb] , Jessica Keast [ctb] , Lizette Carpenter [ctb] , Fatima Keita [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

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