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5.7.8 by Matthias Templ, 5 months ago

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Authors: Matthias Templ [aut, cre] , Bernhard Meindl [aut] , Alexander Kowarik [aut] , Johannes Gussenbauer [aut] , Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development [cph] (Initial published c(++) code (under LGPL) code for rank swapping , mdav-microaggregation , suda2 and other (hierarchical) risk measures) , Statistics Netherlands [cph] (microAggregation cpp code (under EUPL v1.1)) , Pascal Heus [cph] (original measure threshold cpp code (under LGPL))

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports utils, stats, graphics, car, carData, rmarkdown, knitr, data.table, xtable, robustbase, cluster, MASS, e1071, tools, Rcpp, methods, ggplot2, shiny, haven, rhandsontable, DT, shinyBS, prettydoc, VIM

Suggests laeken, testthat

Linking to Rcpp

See at CRAN