Reference manual

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0.3.1 by Michael Bell, a year ago

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Authors: Trestle Technology , LLC [aut] , Jeff Allen [aut] , Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire [cph] , Ivan Bozhanov [ctb, cph] (jsTree) , The Dojo Foundation [ctb, cph] (require.js) , jQuery Foundation , Inc. [ctb, cph] , Mike Schaffer [ctb] , Timm Danker [ctb] , Michael Bell [cre] , Sebastian Gatscha [ctb] , Thorn Thaler [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports shiny, htmlwidgets, jsonlite, stringr, promises

Depends on methods

Suggests testthat, shinytest, data.tree

Imported by sdcHierarchies, teal.modules.general.

See at CRAN