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SOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs
The stochastic (also called on-line) version of the Self-Organising
Map (SOM) algorithm is provided. Different versions of the
algorithm are implemented, for numeric and relational data and for
contingency tables as described, respectively, in Kohonen (2001)
Log-Linear Poisson Graphical Model with Hot-Deck Multiple Imputation
Infer log-linear Poisson Graphical Model with an auxiliary data
set. Hot-deck multiple imputation method is used to improve the reliability
of the inference with an auxiliary dataset. Standard log-linear Poisson
graphical model can also be used for the inference and the Stability
Approach for Regularization Selection (StARS) is implemented to drive the
selection of the regularization parameter. The method is fully described in
Select Intervals Suited for Functional Regression
Interval fusion and selection procedures for regression with
functional inputs. Methods include a semiparametric approach based
on Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR), as described in
Monazite Dating for the NiLeDAM Team
Th-U-Pb electron microprobe age dating of monazite, as originally
described in
Omics Data Integration Using Kernel Methods
Kernel-based methods are powerful methods for integrating
heterogeneous types of data. mixKernel aims at providing methods to combine
kernel for unsupervised exploratory analysis. Different solutions are
provided to compute a meta-kernel, in a consensus way or in a way that
best preserves the original topology of the data. mixKernel also integrates
kernel PCA to visualize similarities between samples in a non linear space
and from the multiple source point of view
Testing Differences Between Families of Trees
Perform test to detect differences in structure between families of trees. The method is based on cophenetic distances and aggregated Student's tests.
Adjacency-Constrained Clustering of a Block-Diagonal Similarity Matrix
Implements a constrained version of hierarchical agglomerative
clustering, in which each observation is associated to a position, and only
adjacent clusters can be merged. Typical application fields in
bioinformatics include Genome-Wide Association Studies or Hi-C data
analysis, where the similarity between items is a decreasing function of
their genomic distance. Taking advantage of this feature, the implemented
algorithm is time and memory efficient. This algorithm is described in
Ambroise et al (2019)
Pathways Longitudinal and Differential Analysis in Metabolomics
Perform a differential analysis at pathway level based on metabolite quantifications and information on pathway metabolite composition. The method is based on a Principal Component Analysis step and on a linear mixed model. Automatic query of metabolic pathways is also implemented.
Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Deal with Treatment Switch in Randomized Clinical Trials
Contains functions for formatting clinical trials data and implementing inverse probability of censoring weights to handle treatment switches when estimating causal treatment effect in randomized clinical trials.
Weighted Cox-Regression for Nested Case-Control Data
Fit Cox proportional hazard models with a weighted
partial likelihood. It handles one or multiple endpoints, additional matching
and makes it possible to reuse controls for other endpoints
Stoer NC and Samuelsen SO (2016)