Found 409 packages in 0.07 seconds
HTML Widgets for R
A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny' web applications.
Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
Provides building blocks for allowing HTML widgets to communicate with each other, with Shiny or without (i.e. static .html files). Currently supports linked brushing and filtering.
HTML Widget to Show File Differences
A HTML widget that shows differences between files (text, images, and data frames).
Interactive Data Tables for R
Interactive data tables for R, based on the 'React Table' JavaScript library. Provides an HTML widget that can be used in 'R Markdown' or 'Quarto' documents, 'Shiny' applications, or viewed from an R console.
The 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML Widget
A HTML widget rendering the 'Monaco' editor. The 'Monaco' editor is the code editor which powers 'VS Code'. It is particularly well developed for 'JavaScript'. In addition to the built-in features of the 'Monaco' editor, the widget allows to prettify multiple languages, to view the 'HTML' rendering of 'Markdown' code, and to view and resize 'SVG' images.
The 'Ace' Editor as a HTML Widget
Wraps the 'Ace' editor in a HTML widget. The 'Ace' editor has support for many languages. It can be opened in the viewer pane of 'RStudio', and this provides a second source editor.
Import an Observable Notebook as HTML Widget
Allows loading and displaying an Observable notebook (online JavaScript notebooks powered by <>) as an HTML Widget in an R session, 'shiny' application or 'rmarkdown' document.
Partial 'rmarkdown' Documents to Prettify your Reports
Use 'rmarkdown' partials, also know as child documents in 'knitr', so you can make components for HTML, PDF, and Word documents. The package provides various helper functions to make certain functions easier. You may want to use this package, if you want to flexibly summarise objects using a combination of figures, tables, text, and HTML widgets. Unlike HTML widgets, the output is Markdown and can hence be turn into other output formats than HTML.
Create 'Ascii' Screen Casts from R Scripts
Record 'asciicast' screen casts from R scripts. Convert them to animated SVG images, to be used in 'README' files, or blog posts. Includes 'asciinema-player' as an 'HTML' widget, and an 'asciicast' 'knitr' engine, to embed 'ascii' screen casts in 'Rmarkdown' documents.
Rendering Word Clouds
Provides a way to display word clouds in R. The word cloud is a html widget, so you can use it in interactive documents and 'shiny' applications.