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0.2.2 by Stéphane Laurent, 2 years ago
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Authors: Stéphane Laurent [aut, cre] , Microsoft Corporation [ctb, cph] ('Monaco Editor' library) , James Long and contributors [ctb, cph] ('Prettier' library) , Rich Harris [ctb, cph] ('svg-parser' library) , Lionel Tzatzkin [ctb, cph] ('scale-that-svg' library) , Andrei Kashcha [ctb, cph] ('panzoom' library) , Vitaly Puzrin [ctb, cph] ('markdown-it' library) , Alex Kocharin [ctb, cph] ('markdown-it' library) , John Schlinkert [ctb, cph] ('word-wrap' library) , jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] ('jQuery' library) , Kyle Fox [ctb, cph] ('jQuery Modal' library) , Tristan Edwards [ctb, cph] ('sweetalert2' library) , Limon Monte [ctb, cph] ('sweetalert2' library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports htmlwidgets, rstudioapi, tools, htmltools, shiny
Suggests sass
See at CRAN