Reference manual

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install.packages("htmltools") by Carson Sievert, 15 days ago,

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Authors: Joe Cheng [aut] , Carson Sievert [aut, cre] , Barret Schloerke [aut] , Winston Chang [aut] , Yihui Xie [aut] , Jeff Allen [aut] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports base64enc, digest, fastmap, grDevices, rlang, utils

Suggests Cairo, markdown, ragg, shiny, testthat, withr

Enhances knitr

Imported by APIS, AnalysisLin, AovBay, BETS, CALANGO, CICA, CaPO4Sim, Certara.R, DCEtool, DT, DataEditR, DateTimeRangePicker, DiagrammeR, FielDHub, GenEst, GenoTriplo, GomoGomonoMi, Hmisc, IGoRRR, IsoCor, JBrowseR, LifemapR, MDMAPR, MainExistingDatasets, Multiaovbay, NGCHM, NestedMenu, PRISMA2020, PakPC2023, Racmacs, RagGrid, Rnightly, Rnvd3, SPARTAAS, Spectran, T2Qv, TKCat, XKCDdata, accessrmd, aceEditor, algo, aniview, antaresViz, aos, apexcharter, apisensr, argonDash, argonR, aweSOM, azuremlsdk, basictabler, bea.R, billboarder, bioacoustics, blastula, blogdown, bookdown, boxly, bpmnR, bs4Dash, bs4cards, bsicons, bslib, bsplus, bubblyr, canvasXpress, cascadeSelect, checkdown, chromoMap, cleanrmd, clinDataReview, codebook, colourpicker, condformat, conductor, connectwidgets, cookies, corazon, corrgrapher, countdown, cronologia, crosstalk, cubeview, d3r, dashboardthemes, data.validator, dataMaid, dataReporter, datacleanr, datamods, daterangepicker, deckgl, desctable, designer, details, dextergui, discoveR, distill, dlookr, documenter, downloadthis, drawer, dtrackr, dygraphs, echarts4r, emayili, eph, epiflows, epitweetr, epoxy, esmtools, esquisse, eufmdis.adapt, fabricerin, fdapaceShiny, felp, fidelius, firebase, flexdashboard, flexsiteboard, flextable, flipdownr,, fontawesome, forecasteR, forestly, formattable, formatters, fresh, gdtools, gfonts, ggiraph, ggvis, gitlink, gm, golem, googleway, gotop, gptstudio, gridstackeR, gt, gtExtras, gwpcormapper, highcharter, highlighter, histoslider, hover, htmlTable, htmlwidgets, huxtable, hypothesis, imola, jqbr, jquerylib, jsTree, jsTreeR, jshintr, kableExtra, keys, lareshiny, leafem, leafgl, leaflegend, leaflet, leaflet.esri, leaflet.extras, leaflet.extras2, leaflet.minicharts, leaflet.providers, leafpm, leafpop, leafsync, leaftime, learnr, lingglosses, link, listviewer, loadeR, login, lorem, mailtoR, manifestoR, manipulateWidget, mapboxer, mapedit, mapmixture, mapping, mapview, metalite.table1, metathis, metricsgraphics, mgwrsar, micromodal, microplot, miniUI, minidown, mmaqshiny, monaco, mschart, mtb, multiActionButton, mwshiny, namedropR, naturaList, nextGenShinyApps, occCite, omsvg, oncrawlR, openeo, opera, pagedown, pbr, phosphoricons, picClip, pivottabler, pixiedust, pkggraph, plainview, plotly, plumbertableau, pmxcode, pmxpartab, pointblank, polished, ppcSpatial, predhy.GUI, predictoR, processanimateR, processmapR, qreport, questionr, r2d3, r2fireworks, r2resize, r2social, r2symbols, r3js, rAmCharts, rAmCharts4, rWCVP, radarchart, rcrimeanalysis, reactCheckbox, reactR, reactable, reactable.extras, reactablefmtr, recogito, regressoR, repr, rgl, rheroicons, rintimg, rmarkdown, rmdformats, rms, rock, rolldown, rqti, rtables, sass, savonliquide, scientific, scrollrevealR, seasonalityPlot, semantic.dashboard, sendigR, sergeant, sever, shiny, shiny.blueprint, shiny.emptystate, shiny.fluent, shiny.pwa, shiny.react, shiny.router, shiny.semantic, shinyBS, shinyChakraSlider, shinyChakraUI, shinyCohortBuilder, shinyDND, shinyDatetimePickers, shinyEffects, shinyExprPortal, shinyFeedback, shinyFiles, shinyGizmo, shinyGovstyle, shinyHeatmaply, shinyHugePlot, shinyKnobs, shinyMobile, shinyRatings, shinySelect, shinyStorePlus, shinyTime, shinyToastify, shinyWidgets, shinyaframe, shinyalert, shinybusy, shinydashboard, shinydashboardPlus, shinydbauth, shinydisconnect, shinydlplot, shinydrive, shinyglide, shinyjqui, shinylogs, shinymanager, shinymeta, shinymodels, shinypanel, shinypanels, shinypivottabler, shinyquiz, shinyreforms, shinyscreenshot, shinyservicebot, shinysurveys, shinyvalidate, sigmajs, sketch, slickR, slideview, sortable, sparkline, spoiler, spsComps, ssd4mosaic, standby, summarytools, sunburstR, swipeR, symbol.equation.gpt, table1, tableHTML, tablerDash, tables, tangram, teal.reporter, teal.slice, teal.widgets, texPreview, timevis, tint, tippy, tmap, toastui, tosca, toxSummary, trelliscopejs, ttt, tufte, ufs, valhallr, validmind, valuemap, vdiffr, vegalite, vegawidget, vembedr, vfinputs, visNetwork, vivainsights, vov, vueR, vvshiny, waiter, webmap, widgetframe, wpa, xaringan, xaringanExtra.

Depended on by SmarterPoland, kesernetwork, shiny.tailwind, soundClass.

Suggested by BED, BeeBDC, CNAIM, CNVScope, ExPanDaR, FSelectorRcpp, HVT, HospitalNetwork, LDAvis, NIMAA, NMdata, PINstimation, QurvE, ReviewR, SDMtune, SimSurvey, TimeVizPro, VarSelLCM, actLifer, activAnalyzer, admiral, admiraldev, airGRiwrm, anabel, animate, animint2, antaresRead, bayesmove, behaviorchange, cli, clinUtils, colorDF, connectapi, covr, cppcheckR, crunchy, dataquieR, datawizard, datefixR, detourr, dm, downlit, dpseg, echarty, expss, findSVI, flipr, fontquiver, geofi, ggalluvial, gganimate, glossr, grandR, h2o, hystReet, iheatmapr, inTextSummaryTable, inldata, inlpubs, insee, ipumsr, latex2exp, leafdown, leprechaun, linne, netCoin, networkD3, oaii, pcutils,, pkgdown, plotlyGeoAssets, polmineR, profvis, projmgr, prolific.api, qtlcharts, reactlog, rhandsontable, rolog, rpivotTable, rwebstat, rworkflows, rxode2, saros, scfetch, segclust2d, sendmailR, shidashi, shinyTempSignal, shinyjs, shinyloadtest, stats19, stringr, svgPanZoom, svglite, tabr, tabxplor, thematic, thorn, tibble, uavRmp, ukpolice, unpivotr, ursa, vitae, whippr, xfun.

See at CRAN