Reference manual

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2.1.0 by Stephan Struckmann, 4 months ago

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Authors: University Medicine Greifswald [cph] , Elisa Kasbohm [aut] , Joany Marino [aut] , Elena Salogni [aut] , Adrian Richter [aut] , Carsten Oliver Schmidt [aut] , Stephan Struckmann [aut, cre] , German Research Foundation (DFG SCHM 2744/3-1 , SCHM 2744/9-1 , SCHM 2744/3-4) [fnd] , National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data: (NFDI 13/1) [fnd] , European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (euCanSHare , grant agreement No. 825903) [fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports dplyr, emmeans, ggplot2, lme4, lubridate, MASS, MultinomialCI, parallelMap, patchwork, R.devices, rlang, robustbase, qmrparser, utils, rio, readr, scales, withr, lifecycle, units

Suggests GGally, grDevices, cli, whoami, anytime, cowplot, digest, DT, flexdashboard, flexsiteboard, htmltools, knitr, markdown, parallel, parallelly, rJava, rmarkdown, rstudioapi, testthat, tibble, vdiffr, pkgload, Rdpack, callr, colorspace, plotly, ggvenn, htmlwidgets, future, processx, R6, shiny, xml2, mgcv, rvest, textutils

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