Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 57 packages in 0.10 seconds

LaplacesDemon — by Henrik Singmann, 3 years ago

Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference

Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview).

mvna — by Arthur Allignol, 7 years ago

Nelson-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard in Multistate Models

Computes the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative transition hazard for arbitrary Markov multistate models .

kmi — by Arthur Allignol, 6 years ago

Kaplan-Meier Multiple Imputation for the Analysis of Cumulative Incidence Functions in the Competing Risks Setting

Performs a Kaplan-Meier multiple imputation to recover the missing potential censoring information from competing risks events, so that standard right-censored methods could be applied to the imputed data sets to perform analyses of the cumulative incidence functions (Allignol and Beyersmann, 2010 ).

SPARTAAS — by Arthur Coulon, 5 months ago

Statistical Pattern Recognition and daTing using Archaeological Artefacts assemblageS

Statistical pattern recognition and dating using archaeological artefacts assemblages. Package of statistical tools for archaeology. hclustcompro()/perioclust(): Bellanger Lise, Coulon Arthur, Husi Philippe (2021, ISBN:978-3-030-60103-4). mapclust(): Bellanger Lise, Coulon Arthur, Husi Philippe (2021) . seriograph(): Desachy Bruno (2004) . cerardat(): Bellanger Lise, Husi Philippe (2012) .

MagmaClustR — by Arthur Leroy, 5 months ago

Clustering and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes with Common Mean

An implementation for the multi-task Gaussian processes with common mean framework. Two main algorithms, called 'Magma' and 'MagmaClust', are available to perform predictions for supervised learning problems, in particular for time series or any functional/continuous data applications. The corresponding articles has been respectively proposed by Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj and Servane Gey (2022) , and Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj and Servane Gey (2023) < https://jmlr.org/papers/v24/20-1321.html>. Theses approaches leverage the learning of cluster-specific mean processes, which are common across similar tasks, to provide enhanced prediction performances (even far from data) at a linear computational cost (in the number of tasks). 'MagmaClust' is a generalisation of 'Magma' where the tasks are simultaneously clustered into groups, each being associated to a specific mean process. User-oriented functions in the package are decomposed into training, prediction and plotting functions. Some basic features (classic kernels, training, prediction) of standard Gaussian processes are also implemented.

dartR.data — by Bernd Gruber, 6 months ago

Auxiliary Data Package for Our Main Package 'dartR'

Data package for 'dartR'. Provides data sets to run examples in 'dartR'. This was necessary due to the size limit imposed by 'CRAN'. The data in 'dartR.data' is needed to run the examples provided in the 'dartR' functions. All available data sets are either based on actual data (but reduced in size) and/or simulated data sets to allow the fast execution of examples and demonstration of the functions.

etm — by Mark Clements, 4 years ago

Empirical Transition Matrix

The etm (empirical transition matrix) package permits to estimate the matrix of transition probabilities for any time-inhomogeneous multi-state model with finite state space using the Aalen-Johansen estimator. Functions for data preparation and for displaying are also included (Allignol et al., 2011 ). Functionals of the Aalen-Johansen estimator, e.g., excess length-of-stay in an intermediate state, can also be computed (Allignol et al. 2011 ).

Revticulate — by Caleb Charpentier, 3 years ago

Interaction with "RevBayes" in R

Interaction with "RevBayes" via R. Objects created in "RevBayes" can be passed into the R environment, and many types can be converted into similar R objects. To download "RevBayes", go to < https://revbayes.github.io/download>.

BayesLCA — by Arthur White, 5 years ago

Bayesian Latent Class Analysis

Bayesian Latent Class Analysis using several different methods.

ProteoBayes — by Arthur Leroy, a year ago

Bayesian Statistical Tools for Quantitative Proteomics

Bayesian toolbox for quantitative proteomics. In particular, this package provides functions to generate synthetic datasets, execute Bayesian differential analysis methods, and display results as, described in the associated article Marie Chion and Arthur Leroy (2023) .