Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

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poweRlaw — by Colin Gillespie, 10 months ago

Analysis of Heavy Tailed Distributions

An implementation of maximum likelihood estimators for a variety of heavy tailed distributions, including both the discrete and continuous power law distributions. Additionally, a goodness-of-fit based approach is used to estimate the lower cut-off for the scaling region.

benchmarkme — by Colin Gillespie, 2 years ago

Crowd Sourced System Benchmarks

Benchmark your CPU and compare against other CPUs. Also provides functions for obtaining system specifications, such as RAM, CPU type, and R version.

attempt — by Colin Fay, 5 years ago

Tools for Defensive Programming

Tools for defensive programming, inspired by 'purrr' mappers and based on 'rlang'.'attempt' extends and facilitates defensive programming by providing a consistent grammar, and provides a set of easy to use functions for common tests and conditions. 'attempt' only depends on 'rlang', and focuses on speed, so it can be easily integrated in other functions and used in data analysis.

lwgeom — by Edzer Pebesma, 9 months ago

Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features

Access to selected functions found in 'liblwgeom' < https://github.com/postgis/postgis/tree/master/liblwgeom>, the light-weight geometry library used by 'PostGIS' < http://postgis.net/>.

scrypt — by Bob Jansen, 2 years ago

Key Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt

Functions for working with the scrypt key derivation functions originally described by Colin Percival < https://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf> and in Percival and Josefsson (2016) . Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function created by Colin Percival. The algorithm was specifically designed to make it costly to perform large-scale custom hardware attacks by requiring large amounts of memory.

tidytext — by Julia Silge, 8 months ago

Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools

Using tidy data principles can make many text mining tasks easier, more effective, and consistent with tools already in wide use. Much of the infrastructure needed for text mining with tidy data frames already exists in packages like 'dplyr', 'broom', 'tidyr', and 'ggplot2'. In this package, we provide functions and supporting data sets to allow conversion of text to and from tidy formats, and to switch seamlessly between tidy tools and existing text mining packages.

icesConnect — by Colin Millar, 3 years ago

Provides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web Services

Provides user tokens for ICES web services that require authentication and authorization. Web services covered by this package are ICES VMS database, the ICES DATSU web services, and the ICES SharePoint site.

prettyB — by Colin Gillespie, 4 years ago

Pretty Base Graphics

Drop-in replacements for standard base graphics functions. The replacements are prettier versions of the originals.

icesVocab — by Colin Millar, 3 years ago

ICES Vocabularies Database Web Services

R interface to access the RECO POX web services of the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Vocabularies database < https://vocab.ices.dk/services/POX.aspx>.

rtypeform — by Colin Gillespie, 4 years ago

Interface to 'typeform' Results

An R interface to the 'typeform' < https://typeform.com> application program interface. Also provides functions for downloading your results.