Reference manual

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1.44.0 by Ian G. Taylor, 2 years ago

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Authors: Ian G. Taylor [aut, cre] , Ian J. Stewart [aut] , Allan C. Hicks [aut] , Tommy M. Garrison [aut] , Andre E. Punt [aut] , John R. Wallace [aut] , Chantel R. Wetzel [aut] , James T. Thorson [aut] , Yukio Takeuchi [aut] , Kotaro Ono [aut] , Cole C. Monnahan [aut] , Christine C. Stawitz [aut] , Z. Teresa A'mar [aut] , Athol R. Whitten [aut] , Kelli F. Johnson [aut] , Robbie L. Emmet [aut] , Sean C. Anderson [aut] , Gwladys I. Lambert [aut] , Megan M. Stachura [aut] , Andrew B. Cooper [aut] , Andi Stephens [aut] , Neil L. Klaer [aut] , Carey R. McGilliard [aut] , Iago Mosqueira [aut] , Watal M. Iwasaki [aut] , Kathryn L. Doering [aut] , Andrea M. Havron [aut] , Nathan Vaughan [aut] , LaTreese S. Denson [aut] , Ashleigh J. Novak [aut] , Henning Winker [aut] , Lee Qi [aut] , Megumi Oshima [aut] , Eric Fletcher [aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports coda, corpcor, dplyr, forcats, ggplot2, lifecycle, stringr, kableExtra

Suggests gtools, gplots, knitr, maps, pso, testthat, truncnorm, rmarkdown, shiny, flextable, reshape2, ggpubr

Imported by ss3sim.

Suggested by MSEtool.

See at CRAN