Reference manual

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0.1.5 by Konrad Pagacz, a month ago,

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Authors: Nicholas Masel [aut] , Steven Haesendonckx [aut] , Pelagia Alexandra Papadopoulou [aut] , Sheng-Wei Wang [aut] , Eli Miller [aut] , Nathan Kosiba [aut] , Aidan Ceney [aut] , Janssen R&D [cph, fnd] , David Hugh-Jones [cph] (Author of included huxtable library) , Konrad Pagacz [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License 2.0 license

Imports cli, dplyr, tibble, magrittr, rlang, tidyr, stats, stringr, forcats, purrr, huxtable, assertthat, glue, crayon, methods, readxl, cellranger, png, ggplot2, rstudioapi

Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, renv, shiny, kableExtra, haven, usethis, withr

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