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1.4-13 by David Meyer, 3 months ago
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Authors: David Meyer [aut, cre] , Achim Zeileis [aut] , Kurt Hornik [aut] , Florian Gerber [ctb] , Michael Friendly [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports stats, utils, MASS, grDevices, colorspace, lmtest
Depends on grid
Suggests KernSmooth, mvtnorm, kernlab, HSAUR3, coin
Imported by CornerstoneR, DanielBiostatistics10th, DoE.base, HH, MoEClust, OTrecod, STEPCAM, VIM, arulesViz, eeptools, gpairs, jmv, oHMMed, pcalg, reappraised, reportROC, visStatistics, webr.
Depended on by confreq, simPop, vcdExtra.
Suggested by HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, HistData, Lahman, REdaS, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU,, UsingR, abd, agridat, archetypes, ca, coin, colorspace, cta, fastR2, fmsb, ggplotify, glmertree, mosaic, movMF, party, partykit, pscl, sageR, sephora, xgboost.
See at CRAN