Reference manual

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0.8-5 by Michael Friendly, a year ago

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Authors: Michael Friendly [aut, cre] , Heather Turner [ctb] , David Meyer [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb] , Duncan Murdoch [ctb] , David Firth [ctb] , Matt Kumar [ctb] , Shuguang Sun [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports MASS, grDevices, stats, utils, ca, dplyr, glue, here, purrr, readxl, stringr, tidyr

Depends on vcd, gnm, grid

Suggests gmodels, Fahrmeir, effects, VGAM, plyr, lmtest, nnet, ggplot2, Sleuth2, car, lattice, stats4, rgl, AER, coin, Hmisc, knitr, rmarkdown, seriation

Imported by iarm, jmv, reappraised.

Suggested by aplore3, catdata, genridge, gnm, public.ctn0094data.

See at CRAN