Reference manual

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0.22-6 by Deepayan Sarkar, a month ago

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Authors: Deepayan Sarkar [aut, cre] , Felix Andrews [ctb] , Kevin Wright [ctb] (documentation) , Neil Klepeis [ctb] , Johan Larsson [ctb] (miscellaneous improvements) , Zhijian (Jason) Wen [cph] (filled contour code) , Paul Murrell [ctb] , Stefan Eng [ctb] (violin plot improvements) , Achim Zeileis [ctb] (modern colors) , Alexandre Courtiol [ctb] (generics for larrows , lpolygon , lrect and lsegments)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports grid, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils

Suggests KernSmooth, MASS, latticeExtra, colorspace

Enhances chron, zoo

Imported by AICcmodavg, ALTopt, AppliedPredictiveModeling, BAMBI, BCDAG, BayesianNetwork, BiBitR, Cascade, CensSpatial, ChainLadder, ClinicalUtilityRecal, Countr, DAAG, DepthProc, DoE.base, EQL, ETAS, EmiStatR, FactoMineR, FeatureTerminatoR, FieldSimR, FishResp, GALLO, GENLIB, GLMMRR, GPM, GPfit, GWSDAT, Gmisc, HDCI, HDShOP, HMP, HaploCatcher, IAcsSPCR, IDPmisc, IFC, ImputeRobust, IsoriX, LDLcalc, LocalControl, MCMCpack, MDBED, MadanText, MadanTextNetwork, Matrix, MixSIAR, MoEClust, ModTools, MplusAutomation, MultBiplotR, NCSampling, NSAE, Orcs, PCRA, Patterns, PopGenReport, QTLRel, R2MLwiN, R2admb, REBayes, RGraphics, ROCnReg, RPPanalyzer, RSiena, RcmdrMisc, RcmdrPlugin.HH, Rfssa, Rita, RobLox, RobLoxBioC, Rssa, SAFARI, SWMPr, Select, SensMap, SixSigma, SongEvo, SuperpixelImageSegmentation, Surrogate, TAF, Toothnroll, VARDetect, VOSONDash, VineCopula, WeightedTreemaps, aLFQ, adaptTest, ade4TkGUI, adegraphics, adespatial, agriTutorial, albatross, ammiBayes, analogue, apc, ape, aqp, asbio, atime, automap, bbmle, bdvis, bestglm, biometryassist, blackbox, brainGraph, c060, cNORM, caretEnsemble, cg, clubpro, clusterMI, coda, comato, copula, cubeview, cvmgof, daewr, datana, dcmle, deeptime, denstrip, desplot, dfphase1, dplR, drawsample, eRm, ecochange, effects, eggCounts, emdbook, etm, facmodCS, facmodTS, faoutlier, fastR2, fit.models, foreSIGHT, fungible, gamclass, gbm, gcbd, gerbil, ggcleveland, ggtern, gpairs, greport, gstat, hdbma, hexbin, hydroTSM, industRial, influence.ME, isa2, joineR, kangar00, kdecopula, lemon, lessR, lme4, locfit, lulcc, mapview, matchingMarkets, mboost, metap, metaplot, mice, microplot, mirtCAT, mixPHM, mlt.docreg, mma, morphomap, mosaic, mountainplot, mstate, mt, mvna, mycor, nlme, nonmem2R, npROCRegression, ohtadstats, opa, openair, pamm, pbo, pdp, pedometrics, plainview, plm, plotMCMC, polySegratioMM, ppmlasso, protein8k, psych, psychomix, qicharts, qrmtools, rankFD, refund, riskRegression, rminer, robust, robustlmm, rrcov, rrcovNA, rties, runjags, rvinecopulib, scRNAtools, scaRabee, scape, sharpshootR, sigQC, sisal, slfm, slideview, sp, spacetime, spind, sse, stacomiR, stlplus, stressr, stylo, survey, synthpop, tTOlr, tcl, textplot, tigerstats, trajectories, tripEstimation, twang, twangContinuous, twangMediation, unmarked, varbvs, visreg, waterData, wrGraph, zoo.

Depended on by ASMap, BSDA, BayesGPfit, BayesianMediationA, BigVAR, Blendstat, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, ConvergenceConcepts, Cubist, DCL, Devore7, DoseFinding, ELT, EngrExpt, EstCRM, FAwR, HH, ICEinfer, ILS, InvasionCorrection, MALDIrppa, MCPMod, MPV, Maeswrap, NU.Learning, PASWR, PASWR2, PairedData, ProTrackR, REPPlab, RSA, RcmdrPlugin.temis, Rmisc, SALTSampler, SEL, TDboost, TestingSimilarity, abd, addScales, assist, backtest, barcode, bc3net, bgmm, biclust, cardidates, caret, cem, clusterCons, coalescentMCMC, cvTools, designmatch, eHOF, equivalence, erboost, evidence, flare, flexclust, flexmix, gammSlice, generalCorr, geoelectrics, growthrates, gsbDesign, hett, hotspots, hyperSpec, iClick, iGasso, kergp, kzs, latticeExtra, lfstat, loa, mapStats, memisc, mirt, mixexp, mixture, mritc, msme, nFactors, pems.utils, pencopulaCond, pendensity, phenmod, plink, portfolio, qra, randomLCA, rasterVis, robfilter, robustsae, simFrame, simPop, solaR, spectral, spuRs, statnetWeb, stripless, survSNP, tactile, tdr, vegan, waterfall, wskm, xpose4.

Suggested by AER, BClustLonG, BiodiversityR, CDM, CORElearn, ChemoSpec, ChemoSpecUtils, ChoiceModelR, CorrBin, DCCA, DCG, DEoptim, DTAT, DiceDesign, EFA.dimensions, EnvStats, FuncMap, GLMMadaptive, HRW, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, HistData, Hmisc, ICAOD, JMbayes2, JoSAE, KRLS, LMMstar, LPCM, LSAmitR, LSRS, Lahman, MASS, MEMSS, MPDiR, MVA, MethComp, Morpho, NBR, NHSRdatasets, NO.PING.PONG, Oncotree, OrgMassSpecR, PBImisc, PRSim, Perc, RFLPtools, RGCxGC, RMark, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, RcppDE, RcppZiggurat, SASmixed, SCEPtER, SCEPtERbinary, SPSL, SemiPar, Sleuth2, Sleuth3, SoilR, SpaDES.core, StatRank, SuperLearner, TAM,, TeachingDemos, TrackReconstruction, TransPhylo, VC2copula, WeightedCluster, XLConnect, acss, actuaRE, ade4, admix, afex, agridat, agriutilities, animint2, asremlPlus, aum, baseline, bayesImageS, beanplot, betareg, binom, bio3d, biotools, bnlearn, brokenstick, camtrapR, cati, cohorttools, copCAR, cotram, cowplot, cv, cvGEE, dartR, dartR.base, dclone, deform, desirability, detrendr, directlabels, div, diveMove, dyn, dyntaper, ecostats, eiPack, emmeans, episensr, ergm, eulerr, evaluate, evtree, fairml, fda, forplo, fourierin, gamair, gamlss.add, gamlss.lasso, gap, gaussplotR, gcKrig, gear, geoR, georob, gge, ggformula, ggordiplots, ggplotify, ggthemes, gllvm, glmertree, glmmTMB, glogis, grImport, greta, gridBase, gridDebug, gridExtra, gridGeometry, gridSVG, gsubfn, hamlet, heplots, hextri, hhh4contacts, interp, intkrige, isotracer, languageR, latentcor, lcmm, leafpop, lucid, marmap, mbbefd, meteoForecast, mi, mlbench, mlmRev, mlogit, mosaicData, movMF, mrgsolve, multilaterals, multipanelfigure, mutoss, nlmeU, nlraa, npmlreg, nvmix, pacman, pagenum, pander, pdc, periscope2, plotscale, polyCub, polywog, protViz, pscl, psyphy, qqplotr, qrmdata, r2d2, rSPDE, remote, reshape2, rfordummies, rgl, rms, robmixglm, robustX, robustbase, robustfa, round, rpanel, rstpm2, rtdists, rtf, sageR, sand, sandwich, sensitivity, sfsmisc, shinyPredict, simecol, simsalapar, sklarsomega, smoothROCtime, soilhypfit, sommer, spdep, sperich, staplr, stellaR, stepgbm, steprf, stlnpp, subsemble, superb, surveillance, swag, tbm, teal.modules.general, teal.reporter, teal.widgets, tergm, tern, texmex, thematic, tikzDevice, tmvtnorm, tools4uplift, topicmodels, tram, tramnet, trip, udpipe, ustyc, varycoef, vcdExtra, vip, vipor, vivo, voluModel, wCorr, withr, zenplots.

See at CRAN