Reference manual

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1.0.1 by Kevin Zarca, 6 months ago

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Authors: Kevin Zarca [aut, cre] , Antoine Filipovic-Pierucci [aut] , Matthew Wiener [ctb] , Zdenek Kabat [ctb] , Vojtech Filipec [ctb] , Jordan Amdahl [ctb] , Yonatan Carranza Alarcon [ctb] , Vince Daniels [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports dplyr, ggplot2, memoise, mvnfast, tibble, rlang, purrr, glue, lifecycle, vctrs

Suggests BCEA, diagram, flexsurv, knitr, logitnorm, lpSolve, mgcv, optimx, parallel, readxl, rgho, rmarkdown, stringr, survival, testthat, triangle, magrittr, cli

Suggested by voi.

See at CRAN