Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 88 packages in 0.01 seconds

retrosheet — by Colin Douglas, 2 months ago

Import Professional Baseball Data from 'Retrosheet'

A collection of tools to import and structure the (currently) single-season event, game-log, roster, and schedule data available from < https://www.retrosheet.org>. In particular, the event (a.k.a. play-by-play) files can be especially difficult to parse. This package does the parsing on those files, returning the requested data in the most practical R structure to use for sabermetric or other analyses.

scrypt — by Bob Jansen, a year ago

Key Derivation Functions for R Based on Scrypt

Functions for working with the scrypt key derivation functions originally described by Colin Percival < https://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt/scrypt.pdf> and in Percival and Josefsson (2016) . Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function created by Colin Percival. The algorithm was specifically designed to make it costly to perform large-scale custom hardware attacks by requiring large amounts of memory.

icesDatsu — by Colin Millar, 2 years ago

Functions to Interact with the ICES Data Submission Utility (DATSU)

Functions to Interact with the ICES Data Submission Utility (DATSU) < https://datsu.ices.dk/web/index.aspx>.

languagelayeR — by Colin FAY, 5 years ago

Access the 'languagelayer' API

Improve your text analysis with languagelayer < https://languagelayer.com>, a powerful language detection API.

gargoyle — by Colin Fay, 3 years ago

An Event-Based Mechanism for 'Shiny'

An event-Based framework for building 'Shiny' apps. Instead of relying on standard 'Shiny' reactive objects, this package allow to relying on a lighter set of triggers, so that reactive contexts can be invalidated with more control.

icesDatsuQC — by Colin Millar, a year ago

Run Quality Checks on Data Prior to Submission to ICES

Run quality checks on data sets using the same checks that are conducted on the ICES Data Submission Utility (DATSU) < https://datsu.ices.dk/web/index.aspx>.

icesConnect — by Colin Millar, 2 years ago

Provides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web Services

Provides user tokens for ICES web services that require authentication and authorization. Web services covered by this package are ICES VMS database, the ICES DATSU web services, and the ICES SharePoint site.

icesVocab — by Colin Millar, 2 years ago

ICES Vocabularies Database Web Services

R interface to access the RECO POX web services of the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Vocabularies database < https://vocab.ices.dk/services/POX.aspx>.

rct3 — by Colin Millar, 4 years ago

Predict Fish Year-Class Strength from Survey Data

Predict fish year-class strength by calibration regression analysis of multiple recruitment index series.

icesVMS — by Colin Millar, a year ago

Link to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System and Logbook Database Web Services

Links to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook database web services < https://data.ices.dk/vms/webservices> to allow users to download summaries and data products.