Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 144 packages in 0.37 seconds

Inflation — by Pedro Costa Ferreira, 7 years ago

Core Inflation

Provides access to core inflation functions. Four different core inflation functions are provided. The well known trimmed means, exclusion and double weighing methods, alongside the new Triple Filter method introduced in Ferreira et al. (2016) < https://goo.gl/UYLhcj>.

ropenblas — by Pedro Rafael D. Marinho, 2 years ago

Download, Compile and Link 'OpenBLAS' Library with R

The 'ropenblas' package (< https://prdm0.github.io/ropenblas/>) is useful for users of any 'GNU/Linux' distribution. It will be possible to download, compile and link the 'OpenBLAS' library (< https://www.openblas.net/>) with the R language, always by the same procedure, regardless of the 'GNU/Linux' distribution used. With the 'ropenblas' package it is possible to download, compile and link the latest version of the 'OpenBLAS' library even the repositories of the 'GNU/Linux' distribution used do not include the latest versions of 'OpenBLAS'. If of interest, older versions of the 'OpenBLAS' library may be considered. Linking R with an optimized version of 'BLAS' (< https://netlib.org/blas/>) may improve the computational performance of R code. The 'OpenBLAS' library is an optimized implementation of 'BLAS' that can be easily linked to R with the 'ropenblas' package.

mau — by Pedro Guarderas, 6 years ago

Decision Models with Multi Attribute Utility Theory

Provides functions for the creation, evaluation and test of decision models based in Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). Can process and evaluate local risk aversion utilities for a set of indexes, compute utilities and weights for the whole decision tree defining the decision model and simulate weights employing Dirichlet distributions under addition constraints in weights.

onsvplot — by Pedro Augusto Borges Santos, 7 months ago

National Road Safety Observatory (ONSV) Style for 'ggplot2' Graphics

Helps to create 'ggplot2' charts in the style used by the National Road Safety Observatory (ONSV). The package includes functions to customize 'ggplot2' objects with new theme and colors.

Mmcsd — by Pedro Pacheco, a year ago

Modeling Complex Longitudinal Data in a Quick and Easy Way

Matching longitudinal methodology models with complex sampling design. It fits fixed and random effects models and covariance structured models so far. It also provides tools to perform statistical tests considering these specifications as described in : Pacheco, P. H. (2021). "Modeling complex longitudinal data in R: development of a statistical package." < https://repositorio.ufjf.br/jspui/bitstream/ufjf/13437/1/pedrohenriquedemesquitapacheco.pdf>.

microSTASIS — by Pedro Sánchez-Sánchez, 3 years ago

Microbiota STability ASsessment via Iterative cluStering

The toolkit 'µSTASIS' has been developed for the stability analysis of microbiota in a temporal framework by leveraging on iterative clustering. Concretely, the core function uses Hartigan-Wong k-means algorithm as many times as possible for stressing out paired samples from the same individuals to test if they remain together for multiple numbers of clusters over a whole data set of individuals. Moreover, the package includes multiple functions to subset samples from paired times, validate the results or visualize the output.

AcceptReject — by Pedro Rafael D. Marinho, 8 days ago

Acceptance-Rejection Method for Generating Pseudo-Random Observations

Provides a function that implements the acceptance-rejection method in an optimized manner to generate pseudo-random observations for discrete or continuous random variables. The function is optimized to work in parallel on Unix-based operating systems and performs well on Windows systems. The acceptance-rejection method implemented optimizes the probability of generating observations from the desired random variable, by simply providing the probability function or probability density function, in the discrete and continuous cases, respectively. Implementation is based on references CASELLA, George at al. (2004) < https://www.jstor.org/stable/4356322>, NEAL, Radford M. (2003) < https://www.jstor.org/stable/3448413> and Bishop, Christopher M. (2006, ISBN: 978-0387310732).

JMbayes2 — by Dimitris Rizopoulos, 10 months ago

Extended Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data

Fit joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data under the Bayesian approach. Multiple longitudinal outcomes of mixed type (continuous/categorical) and multiple event times (competing risks and multi-state processes) are accommodated. Rizopoulos (2012, ISBN:9781439872864).

nLTT — by Thijs Janzen, 8 months ago

Calculate the NLTT Statistic

Provides functions to calculate the normalised Lineage-Through- Time (nLTT) statistic, given two phylogenetic trees. The nLTT statistic measures the difference between two Lineage-Through-Time curves, where each curve is normalised both in time and in number of lineages.

red — by Vasco V. Branco, 7 months ago

IUCN Redlisting Tools

Includes algorithms to facilitate the assessment of extinction risk of species according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, see < https://www.iucn.org/> for more information) red list criteria.