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1.18.5 by Xavier Robin, a year ago

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Authors: Xavier Robin [cre, aut] , Natacha Turck [aut] , Alexandre Hainard [aut] , Natalia Tiberti [aut] , Frédérique Lisacek [aut] , Jean-Charles Sanchez [aut] , Markus Müller [aut] , Stefan Siegert [ctb] (Fast DeLong code) , Matthias Doering [ctb] (Hand & Till Multiclass) , Zane Billings [ctb] (DeLong paired test CI)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports methods, plyr, Rcpp

Suggests microbenchmark, tcltk, MASS, logcondens, doParallel, testthat, vdiffr, ggplot2, rlang

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by AutoScore, BDgraph, BioPET, BioPred, CalibratR, CoOL, CompMix, DSAM, Dtableone, EFS, EQUALSTATS, Hmsc, Immigrate, LEGIT, LKT, MBMethPred, MSiP, MUVR2, MiDA, MiMIR, MiRNAQCD, ModTools, MultiClassROC, NicheBarcoding, PMAPscore, PSS.Health, RQdeltaCT, RegAssure, Rforestry, RobustPrediction, S4DM, SAMGEP, SCGLR, SmCCNet, ThresholdROC, ThresholdROCsurvival, TrendInTrend, bbl, betaclust, biomod2, biospear, bnns, caret, clintools, coda4microbiome, codacore, combiroc, cvms, dtComb, ebmc, ecpc, elo, fairness, fastml, finalfit, glossa, hsstan, idiolect, immunaut, interflex, jsmodule, kgraph, lares, lilikoi, logitFD, lsirm12pl, mcca, mcradds, metamisc, miceafter, mildsvm, mixvlmc, multid, multisite.accuracy, neatStats, nestedcv, nestfs, nonet, oncrawlR, oscar, pathwayTMB, planningML, pmvalsampsize, pomodoro, pprof, predRupdate, predtools, priorityelasticnet, promor, psfmi, r4lineups, randomUniformForest, reportROC, rgm, rocbc, sambia, sccore, sivs, smdi, stackgbm, statVisual, stepPenal, sureLDA, tpAUC, triptych, visualpred, wevid.

Depended on by FRESA.CAD, HMTL, ROCpsych, RatingScaleReduction, RcmdrPlugin.ROC, multiridge, packMBPLSDA, persDx, roccv, varoc.

Suggested by BuyseTest, FeatureHashing, MAP, ROCaggregator, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, StratifiedMedicine, WeightedROC, aplore3, arsenal, bst, cassandRa, catalytic, easy.glmnet, eclust, ensemblepp, fscaret, funkycells, fuseMLR, inferCSN, liver, mldr, moreparty, palasso, pre, prioritylasso, qeML, riskRegression, spmodel, swag, xtune.

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