Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 861 packages in 0.07 seconds

mgsub — by Mark Ewing, 3 years ago

Safe, Multiple, Simultaneous String Substitution

Designed to enable simultaneous substitution in strings in a safe fashion. Safe means it does not rely on placeholders (which can cause errors in same length matches).

tmle — by Susan Gruber, 8 months ago

Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Targeted maximum likelihood estimation of point treatment effects (Targeted Maximum Likelihood Learning, The International Journal of Biostatistics, 2(1), 2006. This version automatically estimates the additive treatment effect among the treated (ATT) and among the controls (ATC). The tmle() function calculates the adjusted marginal difference in mean outcome associated with a binary point treatment, for continuous or binary outcomes. Relative risk and odds ratio estimates are also reported for binary outcomes. Missingness in the outcome is allowed, but not in treatment assignment or baseline covariate values. The population mean is calculated when there is missingness, and no variation in the treatment assignment. The tmleMSM() function estimates the parameters of a marginal structural model for a binary point treatment effect. Effect estimation stratified by a binary mediating variable is also available. An ID argument can be used to identify repeated measures. Default settings call 'SuperLearner' to estimate the Q and g portions of the likelihood, unless values or a user-supplied regression function are passed in as arguments.

googleCloudStorageR — by Mark Edmondson, 2 years ago

Interface with Google Cloud Storage API

Interact with Google Cloud Storage < https://cloud.google.com/storage/> API in R. Part of the 'cloudyr' < https://cloudyr.github.io/> project.

mark — by Jordan Mark Barbone, 6 months ago

Miscellaneous, Analytic R Kernels

Miscellaneous functions and wrappers for development in other packages created, maintained by Jordan Mark Barbone.

mvnfast — by Matteo Fasiolo, a year ago

Fast Multivariate Normal and Student's t Methods

Provides computationally efficient tools related to the multivariate normal and Student's t distributions. The main functionalities are: simulating multivariate random vectors, evaluating multivariate normal or Student's t densities and Mahalanobis distances. These tools are very efficient thanks to the use of C++ code and of the OpenMP API.

LaF — by Jan van der Laan, 4 years ago

Fast Access to Large ASCII Files

Methods for fast access to large ASCII files. Currently the following file formats are supported: comma separated format (CSV) and fixed width format. It is assumed that the files are too large to fit into memory, although the package can also be used to efficiently access files that do fit into memory. Methods are provided to access and process files blockwise. Furthermore, an opened file can be accessed as one would an ordinary data.frame. The LaF vignette gives an overview of the functionality provided.

hal9001 — by Jeremy Coyle, 5 months ago

The Scalable Highly Adaptive Lasso

A scalable implementation of the highly adaptive lasso algorithm, including routines for constructing sparse matrices of basis functions of the observed data, as well as a custom implementation of Lasso regression tailored to enhance efficiency when the matrix of predictors is composed exclusively of indicator functions. For ease of use and increased flexibility, the Lasso fitting routines invoke code from the 'glmnet' package by default. The highly adaptive lasso was first formulated and described by MJ van der Laan (2017) , with practical demonstrations of its performance given by Benkeser and van der Laan (2016) . This implementation of the highly adaptive lasso algorithm was described by Hejazi, Coyle, and van der Laan (2020) .

ggh4x — by Teun van den Brand, 3 months ago

Hacks for 'ggplot2'

A 'ggplot2' extension that does a variety of little helpful things. The package extends 'ggplot2' facets through customisation, by setting individual scales per panel, resizing panels and providing nested facets. Also allows multiple colour and fill scales per plot. Also hosts a smaller collection of stats, geoms and axis guides.

randtoolbox — by Christophe Dutang, a year ago

Toolbox for Pseudo and Quasi Random Number Generation and Random Generator Tests

Provides (1) pseudo random generators - general linear congruential generators, multiple recursive generators and generalized feedback shift register (SF-Mersenne Twister algorithm () and WELL () generators); (2) quasi random generators - the Torus algorithm, the Sobol sequence, the Halton sequence (including the Van der Corput sequence) and (3) some generator tests - the gap test, the serial test, the poker test, see, e.g., Gentle (2003) . Take a look at the Distribution task view of types and tests of random number generators. The package can be provided without the 'rngWELL' dependency on demand. Package in Memoriam of Diethelm and Barbara Wuertz.

spatstat.core — by Adrian Baddeley, 2 years ago

Core Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family

Functionality for data analysis and modelling of spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. (Excludes analysis of spatial data on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.) Exploratory methods include quadrat counts, K-functions and their simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space statistics, Fry plots, pair correlation function, kernel smoothed intensity, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection, mark correlation functions, segregation indices, mark dependence diagnostics, and kernel estimates of covariate effects. Formal hypothesis tests of random pattern (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Monte Carlo, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford, Dao-Genton, two-stage Monte Carlo) and tests for covariate effects (Cox-Berman-Waller-Lawson, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, ANOVA) are also supported. Parametric models can be fitted to point pattern data using the functions ppm(), kppm(), slrm(), dppm() similar to glm(). Types of models include Poisson, Gibbs and Cox point processes, Neyman-Scott cluster processes, and determinantal point processes. Models may involve dependence on covariates, inter-point interaction, cluster formation and dependence on marks. Models are fitted by maximum likelihood, logistic regression, minimum contrast, and composite likelihood methods. A model can be fitted to a list of point patterns (replicated point pattern data) using the function mppm(). The model can include random effects and fixed effects depending on the experimental design, in addition to all the features listed above. Fitted point process models can be simulated, automatically. Formal hypothesis tests of a fitted model are supported (likelihood ratio test, analysis of deviance, Monte Carlo tests) along with basic tools for model selection (stepwise(), AIC()) and variable selection (sdr). Tools for validating the fitted model include simulation envelopes, residuals, residual plots and Q-Q plots, leverage and influence diagnostics, partial residuals, and added variable plots.